Sunday, April 14, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19 NKJV

When the time came for Jesus to start his publicly ministry, he had to chose people who will help him to accomplish his mission. Any one would think because Jesus was the Messiah, Son of God and the coming King would choose people from the highest rank in the society. But instead he went and chose ordinary people, people without any status in those days and through them he built his Church.

These men were weak, oppressed by the Romans in those days. They had to live their lives while paying taxes and some of them like Simon was the revolutionary against Roman Empire but he helped to lead revolution to change the world after he met Jesus. God accepted them from their weakest point and made them become great  men who changed the world to be up side down.

Through the centuries starting with these men, we see that the history of the church tells us that God has been using ordinary men. God has been using the rejected, out-cast, those who were not needed in the society. Those people thought they would not mount any high, reach any level and had no wisdom; are the ones which God invested His power upon them.

This morning, I want to encourage you to continue being the disciple of Jesus. You may be an ordinary person, having no high education or great economic status but God knows your name. Maybe you are the only one in your family who follows the Lord, and most of the time they look at you and think you are a joke but don't give up.

God wants to use you, He will make your name great in your world. After the Day of Pentecost those 120 disciples who were in the upper room, went forth and revolutionaries the world. They traveled every part of the world and to make everyone hear and they became disciples. Through their work, you and me were born. You don't know what your work will do to someone out there, keep doing what the Lord has placed in your heart knowing He is the one who ordered your steps.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord I'm asking that You may use me according to your purpose in my life. Help me to go and spread your message to others telling them what You have done for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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