Saturday, April 13, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.

Matthew 9:35 NIV

This man Jesus changed the history of the whole world. The writer of the book of Hebrews says in the first chapter and verse of that book: In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.(Heb 1:1-2)

All things which God had in mind for us new testament believers or church age believers had spoken through Christ. Jesus is the one who brought the message of the kingdom, by saying we should repent because the kingdom of His Father was at hand. It was believed that someone was from God according to the customs of the Jews if that person will perform miracles to confirm his message to them.

Jesus came with the message and performed great miracles before their eyes which included rising the dead and healing incurable diseases such as leprosy. What he predicted concerning the temple in Jerusalem that the Gentiles will come and destroy it, came to pass in 70 A.D. What he spoke concerning his disciples especially Peter, Judah Iscariot and all of them collectedly came to pass even before he ascended to heaven.

This morning, God the Father wants you to know that Jesus is His Son whom is well pleased. Jesus is the only way to enter to His Kingdom. Jesus is the answer of the world today, Jesus is the source of all good gifts which anyone can wish to have in life. Jesus is the source of life, Jesus is all in all the Savior of the world. No one will see the Father except through Jesus.

I encourage to start your day by knowing you have been chosen to inherit the kingdom which has no end. You will live forever if you will continue to trust and live according to the world of God in this life. God has written your name in the book of life, He wants you to rejoice knowing that He knows you. No matter what you are passing through now, don't worry just know God will see it through. Have faith, God is not done with you yet. What you see as the end, thereby is the beginning before God.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord I'm asking that You may remember me the time you will come to take your church before the arrival of that great day of testing to the mankind. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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