Sunday, January 19, 2014

Morning with Ebenezer


Obey your spiritual leaders and be willing to do what they say. For their work is to watch over your souls, and God will judge them on how well they do this. Give them reason to report joyfully about you to the Lord and not with sorrow, for then you will suffer for it too.

Hebrews 13:17 TLB

The Bible teach us to obey our spiritual leaders and be willing to submit to them. For they are watching over us, because they are responsible for our souls. This means that they will give account to God for your soul, how they guided you in the right way that God wanted you to follow in this life.

Some tend to despise our spiritual leaders by giving them names and mocking them for being too old school and forgot that they need to change as the world does. We only like to go to them when we have problems and needs that needs their prayers and wisdom and forget about them soon after our problems are solved. We tend to forget that they are human being just like us and they face problems that we all face in life.

We tend t0 take for granted and ignore the office which God gave them in the Church. We have many young preachers who don't want any kind of mentorship and after preaching one, two to three sermons they think they are equal to their leaders. Then they will demand the same respect as their spiritual fathers and if they are not given, they will just go and start their own ministries before their time arrives.

This morning, I'm asking you to take time to pray for your spiritual leaders. You don't know what price they pay that you may be ministered through word, songs, and prayers every week. It is easy to just go in a Spirit filled church and enjoy the presence of God, worship and get your breakthroughs in life. But you will never know the price which church leaders pay for all of that until you walk in their shoes.

They pray for us, they encourage us, they stand by us and they are always willing to welcome us in their lives even if their is no enough room for us all to fit. They are willing to listen to our concerns for hours, pray for us as if we were born in the same family though we are in Christ Jesus our Lord. These people need to be loved back as the way they love us and be encouraged to continue in their work as the way they encourage us to continue in this journey of life.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord I pray for these leaders of mine (mention their names); that You may protect them and prosper them in everything in life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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