Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Morning with Ebenezer


One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.

Luke 6:12 NIV

The Bible speaks about Moses who went to the mountain of the Lord and fasted 40 days and nights. He went there to pray and seek the face of the Lord and the Lord revealed Himself to Him, (Exodus 24:18, 34:28). Then we read about Elijah who after he run away from Jezebel; he went to the mountain of the Lord Horeb to pray and seek the face of the Lord. (1 Kings 19)

When Jesus came, He used to go to the mountain to pray. There are several records that show the way Jesus used to live His disciples behind and go to mountain to pray. The Bible says that Jesus spent nights praying before the Lord. He knew everything, He had all things but he never stopped praying to God that He may be with Him in His ministry. (Mark 6:45-46, Mark 14:32-24, Luke 5:16, 6:12, John 8:1)

Jesus taught us through His personal life that we as believer need to live the life of prayer. He taught us that we will not get the strength we need to survive our daily chaos of this life; and overcome temptations if we will not have a prayer life. He taught us that we need to go to the mountain, a place where we will personally meet God and experience His presence in our lives.

This morning, I just want to encourage you to live the life of prayer. If you are Christian, you need to know that you are in a constant battle with the enemy. Paul the Apostle puts this way; [For] Our fight [conflict; struggle] is not against people on earth [flesh and blood] but against the rulers and authorities and the powers [or cosmic powers/rulers] of this world’s darkness [darkness], against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world [realm; places].( Ephesians 6:12)

You need to understand that most of our problems start in the spirit and then get to be manifested in the flesh. If you will learn to tackle every problem in your life through prayer; the Lord will fight with the enemy on your behalf and keep you in perfect peace. Go to the mountain of the Lord today, seek His face and He will surely reveal Himself to you.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Father, I have been struggling with this area of prayer for a while now. I can't spend much time in prayers, and I can't handle fasting. I need You to help me in this area, teach me to pray through the power of your Holy Spirit. Build a desire within me to seek your face through prayers that You may be seen in my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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