Friday, April 11, 2014

Morning with Ebenezer


Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us].

Isaiah 7:14 AMP

Jesus was born by a young woman who was unmarried and a virgin; this was a sign from God who can do the impossible among sons of men. He wanted to reveal Himself as a God who will live among us; the God who will be directly involved in our affairs.

This made Jesus to come in the flesh, get involved with our normal life and do everything as the way normal men used to do. This Jesus was tempted, rejected, beaten and finally He died. He passed all stages of life that someone can pass but in everything He did not sin against His Father. The devil thought His death will be the victory on his side; but it came to be the all time defeat and Jesus won the battle once and for all.

Immanuel is still with us up to this day. He still works in mysterious ways in the lives of believers all over the world. He takes care of each and every one who goes to Him faithfully; He delivers all who cry for His deliverance in their lives. He is a good God, a friend who is closer than a brother; a friend who you can trust in need.

This morning, I just want you to know that Jesus is still with you. If you feel like there is a sin in your life then you need to go to Him and ask for His forgiveness. If you feel like you are overwhelmed by your responsibilities in life then this is the time for you to go to Him and ask Him to help you. You need to be honest before Him and ask Him to meet your needs.

If you are struggling in your ministry; don't run away try to seek solutions to people. Go to Jesus the one who has sent you to serve Him; and He will give you the answers you need concerning your ministry. You can go and ask Him for anything as long as it in God's will in your life. If you want to understand the will of the God in your life; then you need to spend quality time reading the Scriptures and the Spirit of God will reveal His will in your life through the word of God.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Son Immanuel. Lord I praise You because You have saved me from death and hell. I come before you by the blood of Jesus; I'm asking that You may meet my most pressing needs in my life right now. Help me to overcome all my fears and continue walking by faith before You. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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