Friday, March 14, 2014

Morning with Ebenezer


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan. Sometimes things come against your expectations and this may cause pain if you did not know that you can't control everything in your life. There are different scenarios that came against our wishes and caused us to be confused and lack peace in our hearts.

You asked God for a job, you thought that after getting your dream job all things will be fine. You will be able to support yourself and advance in life. Instead you find yourself in the ocean of responsibilities; your job is so demanding and forces you to go out your comfort zone that you may meet all the deadlines and deliver the output needed.

You had a dream to enter in a ministry; you asked God day and night to give you a chance to do His work. That time came but things are not easily as you once thought; many people need you to help them overcome whatsoever they are facing and no one is there for you. You are in the battle field of the enemy, you need to stay strong even if you feel weak inside; and this may not be what you anticipated before you entered in the ministry.

There are some people who say they have a bad luck, every relationship they enter they end up in pain. Some have been loving people who don't love them in return; they ask themselves what's wrong with me? I'm trying to do everything but I can't get anyone to appreciation my efforts. This can be painful to many and cause many to give up on things like love, and even normal friendships.

This morning, I just want to tell you, fear not because God hasn't done with you yet. Each event that the Lord has allowed in your life is for a purpose. Nothing came by accident all were intended to shape you towards your destiny. If you just wanted God to give you a job and didn't ask that He may give you a job that will enable you to be flexible and worship Him. Next time you will need to add that part in your prayers that you may get what your heart desire.

If you wanted to just enter in the ministry without measuring the cost; next time you will measure a cost before doing anything in your life because now you how it's like going somewhere ignorant. Do you have a bad luck? No you don't, you are blessed child of God.

The reason you have been getting wrong people in your life is because you have been having a wrong motive in your heart all this time. The Lord knew that you wanted certain type of men or women for your own glory. He wanted to kill that attitude that's why He allowed those wrong people to come to you. I pray that God may give you wisdom to understand His plan in your life.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly, help me to accept your will and plan in my life and trust You in all seasons of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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