Monday, January 28, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7a NKJV

The Bible says clearly the way someone thinketh in his heart, so he is. There are many who were born to be kings but because they thought themselves as slaves, they found themselves serving as slaves. We are living in the world, where some men think themselves as women, and as the result they practice homosexuality which is abomination to the Lord of Hosts.[Romans 1:26-27,Leviticus 18:22,20:13]

There are those women who think themselves as men, and find themselves practice lesbianism.What a gross, what a shame! There is a famous saying which says all start in your mind. Weakness and greatness starts in your mind, sin and evil starts in your mind [heart]. When you change your way of thinking, behold your life will change.

When Joshua and Caleb went together with other 10 elders of the tribes of Israel to spy the land of Canaan, they brought report about the giants in the land. Their way of thinking were different when the saw the giants and hence their report came out different too. The first 10 elders saw themselves as grasshoppers in their own sight, and hence they were already defeated even before the war began. But on the side of Joshua and Caleb they did not concentrate in the greatness of those people but they knew the God who had been given them the land of Canaan will fight for them.[ Numbers 13-14]

This morning, God wants you to reconsider your way of thinking. You have become what you are right now, because of the way you saw yourself in the past. May be you subjected yourself in the group of rejected, that's why you experience rejection in your life right now!

I serve the God who changes situation, the God who calls things that are not as though they were, Romans 4:17. God who has gone in your future and came back to you and say peace be still, even in the future I will still be in the throne and be sure that all things will work together for good to you. God bless you.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord help me to change my way of thinking, help me to that thinking as the way your Word commands me too. To think as they way You are thinking of me, I surrender my thoughts and plan in your hands. May your will be done.In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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