Monday, September 9, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

 Jeremiah 1:5 NIV

There is none of us in this world right now who were born without a purpose. God had a plan for you in mind even before no one knew that one day you will exist. God knew that there will come a time which you will be born; and something new will be also born in your world.

You were not born by accident, even if you were the result of improper conduct between your parents but still God allowed you to be born for a purpose. Some of us had a rough childhood experience which made us to attempt committing suicide so that we may run away from all the pain which we faced during those times. But still there was a purpose in us that's why we survived until this day.

God knew Jeremiah before He formed him in the his mother's womb. He knew the work which Jeremiah will do when the fullness of time comes. He knew that Jeremiah will be a prophet to the nations; and He will have to suffer for the sake of the message which the Lord deposited in him. If God knew everything about Jeremiah, you need to be sure that He knows everything about you too.

This morning, God wants you to seek and asking Him to direct you to serve the purpose which He has for you. If you don't know  your purpose, ask yourself a question what is your passion in life. What do you desire to do for the kingdom of God on this earth. If you will get to understand what you are passionate about, start from there and then you will discover what the purpose in this life.

There is nothing small when we come to consider the purposes which God placed in us. It may be that God called you to be a teacher and through you there will be young girls and boys who will become great men and women in the society and the kingdom of God. No one may ever notice your efforts of shaping that young generation, but God will one day reward your work.

The day you will start serving your purpose no matter what the humble beginning you will have, the real joy will start flowing in you. The Spirit of God will seal in your spirit telling you that, "THIS IS IT''. You will not need to be perfect, but effective on what you are doing and the Lord will be with you all the way. No matter what you were called to do, however small it is, if it can touch and change a person out there, that is what the Lord wanted you to do.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord You know me better, you know what I can't do and what I can. You know my strength and weaknesses. Lord use me according to your wonderful plan over my life. Change and mold me in the way I will be able to fit in your plan and purpose for my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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