Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Morning with Ebenezer


Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Hebrews 13:5 NIV

In life you will come across people who are better than you in many things. In the Church you will find people who know the Scriptures more than you, people who can sing better than you, preach better than you and pray better than you.

In your normal daily life you will come across people who make more than you, who are educated more than you. People who own good houses more than yours, if you are married you will meet couples that seem to successful that you; and more matured than you and your spouse.

That's why it is not advised for us to run around and start comparing ourselves with other people. There will be always someone who is little bit successful, competent, and educated than you. You need to learn to be content with what you have, and trust God for all what you don't have knowing He will give them to you in His time.

This morning, I want to remind you to be content with what you have. Ladies, there will be always a sister who is prettier than you. There is no need for you to use chemicals on your face or even undergo plastic surgery that you may look like so and so. God created you according to His image and likeness, if some men didn't find you pretty; just continue to trust God, someone will come who will love and desire your beauty.

Brothers, there will be always a brother who is making more than you. You will come across a brother who has more influence than you and more experience in your professional field. You need to learn that your value is not measured by what you have achieved outside; but don't get me wrong it does matter a lot in this world so do your best to be competent. Your value is measured in Christ Jesus who gave His mind in you, if you work hard and focus on whatever you put your mind into. One day you will be one of the best in your field; but it will take commitment and dedication to reach where you desire to be in your life.

In the mean time don't be destructed with other people lives; you don't know what they did to have that kind of life. Do your best that you may have a good life one day, if you want to live a better life then you need to be willing to work that you may have it one day. Pay the price and you will get the results you desire.

****Morning Prayer****
Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Father, help me to be content with what You have given me. I'm asking that You may give me strength to work for what I don't have knowing that one day I will have the life I desire. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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