Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


You were raised from death with Christ. So live for what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.  Think only about what is up there, not what is here on earth. Your old self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God.  Yes, Christ is now your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.

Colossians 3:1-4 ERV

I'm humbled for getting this opportunity of sharing the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ with you today. It’s such a blessing to hear the truth of the Gospel and to understand it in your heart. I will be forever grateful for getting a chance to know the Lord, repent all of my sins; and give my life totally to the Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been years since I first raised my eyes to the cross and say yes Lord, I'm here willing to accept you as the Lord and Savior of my life. I will never regret my decision and I believe the Lord will be with me as He has always been until the end of my life. One of the things which I have learned all these years is to live while having what I call heavenly like mind. This is like living in this weak body but having heavenly like mentality.

If you will reach a point of having this kind of mind, you will start seeing things different from the way people of the world see. Paul wrote in Philippians and encouraged them to let the same mind be in them that was in Christ Jesus, Philippians 2:5. Then in the Book of Colossians explain that they should think about what is up there in heaven, not what is here on earth. 

This morning, I just want to encourage you to walk in heavenly like mind. I just want to encourage you to stop thinking about the bigness of your problems; and start thinking about the biggest of our God. I just want to ask you to stop living in poverty like mentality and start working hard knowing that God will bless the work of your hands and make you rich one day.

Stop allowing the spirit of self pity to take control over you and command the sleeping giant in you to wake up that you may maximize your potential. Refuse to live the life of sin, and start living the holy life in Christ Jesus. Know that no matter how things seem right now, you will not fail and God will take you where He promised you to be. You are a child of God; you are not a reject but a chosen one to inherit the kingdom of God; so be bold and continue in your journey of salvation with a cheerful heart.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me to walk in your ways and live according to your purpose and plan in my life. Help me to think about things of heaven knowing one day You will come back to take me to the Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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