Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.

Titus 3:5 NLT

We all struggle in many things, in one way or another we need the Lord in different areas for deliverance, healing and strength to overcome in life. There are those personal struggles which no one knows but our hearts and the Lord himself.

These struggles make us to humble ourselves before the Lord; crying for His mercy and grace in every opportunity we get that He may save us from them. Still there are those known struggles including the annoying behaviors which affect even our immediate family members and all who are in the circle of our influence.

These behaviors can cause us to feel inferior especially when dealing with people who know about our weaknesses. There are some who judge us according to those behaviors, using them as a stick to destroy any kind of efforts which we make to change. The words like, you were this way since your childhood. You act like your father/mother, I knew you will end up to be like your parents and some alike.

This morning, God wants you to start asking the Holy Spirit to change your bad behaviors. He knows how you feel when people condemn you and group you like the way they feel like. He knows that you like to be a good person who will walk according to the word of God but still you struggle in many things.

He knows that you love the Lord and you are desperately want to be like the Lord Jesus Christ one day. What God have for you is love, love, love and more love in each new day. He loves you and He wants to help you through His Holy Spirit. He wants to change your name, He wants to give you great name among your brethren which your forefathers did not have.

You will be no longer called so and so from that family of alcoholics; but you will be called the servant of most High God from the family of true believers of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of God is waiting for you that He may do His perfect work in you, take a step to invite Him today.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Jehovah God, I'm coming before You by the blood of Jesus. Lord I'm asking that You may touch my life once again today, change what needs to be changed. Fix what needs to be fixed, heal where needs to be healed. Make me whole Lord, help me to develop good characters which are pleasant before You through the work of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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