Monday, August 12, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”
And they divided His garments and cast lots.

Luke 23:34 NKJV

You may have been hearing many sermons about forgiveness, reading many books from powerful men and women of God who taught about how you can forgive. Some show steps by steps on how you can let go of your past and start a new life in Christ.

These teachings may have touched you in one point in life and you felt like you need to release and let it go; but when you come to actual process it seems there is a long high mountain to climb. Many can write about forgiveness, encourage you to do so and quote every scripture in the Bible which shows that you must forgive, but they can't force it to come just like that!

There is something in forgiveness, when you walk with unforgiveness its like locking yourself in your own prison. That attitude of, He must pay, I will get my revenge, I won't give up without a fight, He will know who I am. May at one point help you to feel better, but to be honest with you, it will just make things worse and more complicate to you if you will live by it.

This morning, God wants you to ask Holy Spirit to help you forgive. When Cain killed Abel, the blood of Abel was crying from the ground for vengeance. But when the blood of Jesus was shed for our sins, kept on crying to this day for mercy. That's why the Bible says, the blood of Jesus speaks better things than that of Abel. ( Hebrews 12:24)

It is in our sinful nature to get even with the people who once hurt us. We like to see people paying for what they have done in our lives, the sin which is in us won't let those who made us suffer to walk away freely. There is a nature which demands for them to pay for all of their crimes, which is contrary to the nature of God.

Holy Spirit was in Jesus, who enabled Him to offer forgiveness for those who hanged Him on the cross. It takes Him (Holy Spirit) to help us forgive, to help us forget and move on with our lives. Ask Him this morning, I know that you said you have forgiven that person, but you know that there is still bitterness and resentment against him. This is the sign that there is something unfinished business. The Holy Spirit is more than willing to help you overcome it if you will just let Him take care of it. Shalom

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Jehovah God, I'm coming before you by the blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit I'm asking that You may help me forgive all who once wounded me. Help me to forget the pain which they caused and give me strength to move, start loving them and pray for them. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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