Thursday, December 11, 2014

Morning with Ebenezer


He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

Sometimes we face things and we feel like God has forsaken us. We may try to seek help from different people; and end up getting nothing much to help us overcome what we are facing.  Have you ever walked in the period that God was silent? You tried to pray, fast and seek His face; but still your problems remained to be the same.

During this point in life, even strong Christians are being tempted to throw in the towel and use their own strength to solve their problems. Some decide to leave the faith and seek other alternatives to help solve their temporary problems. Others find themselves confused and start speaking many words and allow fear to control them.

One thing I have learnt is that God will never abandon His servants. He may sometimes stay silent because He wants you to grow through that problem which you are facing. He may want to use those problems as a media of taking you from one glory to another glory in Christ. Sometimes He allows problems that He may reveal Himself as problems solver; who is able to solve any kind of problems in life.

This morning, ask God to give you patience in the times of trials. The Bible says God is long-suffering, which means He is patient with us; He is willing to give us second chances that we may start afresh in life. He is willing to wait for us until we reach the perfection in Christ Jesus without giving up on us no matter how weak we are.

If God is this patient for you and me, then we ought to patient and wait for His time in everything. We don't have to rush into conclusion and start seeking our own ways when we feel like God is taking long time to answer us. May the Spirit of the Lord give us the fruit of patience that we may be able to wait for the promises of God in our lives. And God will make everything beautiful in its time.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer….

Dear Father, forgive me for where I have given up on You. Lord help me to continue with my journey of salvation; while knowing no matter what happens in life, You will always be there for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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