Sunday, December 8, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


One time Joseph had a special dream. Later, he told his brothers about this dream, and after that his brothers hated him even more.
Joseph said, “I had a dream. We were all working in the field, tying stacks of wheat together. Then my stack got up. It stood there while all of your stacks of wheat made a circle around mine and bowed down to it.”
 His brothers said, “Do you think this means that you will be a king and rule over us?” His brothers hated Joseph more now because of the dreams he had about them.

Genesis 37:5-8 ERV

The word shatter means to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow. In other words we can say to damage seriously; disable or cause destruction or ruin something. We have many people in the Church of Jesus Christ who have shattered dreams.

They once had dreams, they dreamed to be where God showed them they can be in life. They were very excited with what they saw in their future and they wanted to share with everyone including the dream killers. Not everyone was supposed to know what the Lord promised them; but for the lack of proper understanding in that area they innocently shared everything.

We read in the first book of the Bible, Genesis; the fascinating story of Joseph and his brothers. When Joseph proudly announced about his dreams before his brothers; his brothers hated him because he said he would rule over them. In other words, Joseph would be more prosperous in the future than all of them combined and they planned to take him out of the picture.

Due to Joseph dreams, his brothers wanted to kill him that his dreams may not come to pass; as they jokingly called him master dreamer. But later they decided not to kill him but to sell him to Ishmaelite traders who were taking gum, spices and herbs from Gilead to Egypt. Joseph was taken to Egypt as a slave and this seems to be the end of his dreams; but God had a plan for him and the whole nation of Israel in the land of his afflictions. (Genesis 37)

This morning, God wants to know that the good work which He started in you; He will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. The dreams which He gave you some years ago, which now seem to be shattered; He will make them come to pass. Maybe people have tried to prevent the plan of God over your life, broke every opportunity you ever got; but they cannot stop God.

Joseph endured hardships and slavery in Egypt but when the time came, He was the second powerful man in the most powerful Kingdom in the world during that time. Maybe you are in Egypt now, somewhere in the house of Potiphar or even in the prison and you have lost hope about tomorrow. I'm here to encourage you that the Lord will one day come and visit you and sits you with kings and princes of your people.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I forgive all people who tried to kill my dreams. Lord I let them go and I will start dreaming again; knowing You will fulfill what you have promised me and all my dreams will come to pass. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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