Friday, December 13, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4 ESV

I have learnt long ago to turn my fears to the Lord. By experience I came to understand that at the end of the day no man can do what the Lord can. People may be with you in your darkest hours but they won't stick with until the end, but The Lord will.

I'm sure you came across with those moments which you were confused and you did not know what to do next. You came across with all seasons of life and they were times you were afraid what will happen next in your life. I have experienced those moments and what I can say is that, the Lord has been good to me.

The Lord has been there for me where no man could and He understood what I was going through. Indeed is the Lord of all comfort, who has been comforting me in the midst of my fears and worries of this life. People who says there is no God, it’s because they haven't tested His goodness yet. I know God lives and He lives inside of me and He is the one who balances everything in my life.

This morning, I just want to encourage you to ask the Lord to deliver you from all what you fear. If there is anything in your life that causes you to fear; the Lord can deliver you from it. What you need to do is to pray and ask the Lord to take you away from that particular thing which has brought fear in your life; and put you in a safe place.

I just want to encourage you my friend, to turn to Jesus and let Him take your fears and give you joy in your soul. It may seem like children bed time stories which most of them are fictions; but the good news is, this is the truth! I did not make up this but I have seen this personal in my life. Not only me but also all who call the name of the Lord Jesus with all of their hearts; they will testify that the Lord has been so good for them too!

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I'm asking that You may deliver me from all my fears. Fill me by your Spirit of power, love and sound mind. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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