Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Morning with Ebenezer


The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me.

John 10:27 AMP

One of the desires of most born again Christians is to get a chance to hear from God. Over the years I came to understand that hearing from God is a learned skill. I have learned that there different ways which we can hear God speaking to us if we pay attention and be obedient to follow His lead.

The first way which God speaks to us is through His Word. In the Bible there are all things you need to know and understand about God's nature, character and His plan for your life. You will hear Him through the pages of the Bible giving you basic instructions about this life and how to live a godly life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Another way which God speaks to us is through His servants the prophets, people who are called by the name of the Lord. People who stands before Him and who have given their lives for the work of the ministry. Also God speaks to us through our circumstances; He allows something to happen in our life that we may discover His plan for us from the beginning.

God also uses what the Bible calls, still small voice inside of us. Some people call it the voice of peace, if there is something wrong with our decisions this voice comes and take away its peace inside of us and if we are in the right path, it encourages us to continue in it. Sometimes God speaks through actual voice, and many hear him like the way you can hear your neighbor who sat beside you. This voice can be so real inside of you in such a way you understand everything which the Lord instructs you.

This morning, I just want to encourage you to pay attention to hear the voice of God in your life. There are those times which God speaks to us through dreams and visions, sometimes through prophetic gifts in the body of Christ. In all these times what you need to know is that when God speaks, the wise listen.

I pray that you may be able to hear the voice of God in your life. I pray that God may help you to understand Scriptures and to apply them in your life. May He grant you to walk according to the leading of His precious Spirit that you may be victorious in everything you do and everywhere you go in this world.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You may help me to understand and hear your voice in my life. Give me the ability to differentiate your voice and other voices out there. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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