Sunday, November 4, 2012

Morning with Ebenezer


This is what the LORD says: 

Forget what happened in the past,

and do not dwell on events from long ago.
I am going to do something new.
It is already happening. Don't you recognize it?
I will clear a way in the desert.
I will make rivers on the dry land.

Isaiah 43:18-19 GTN

Yesterday we talked about to forgive others, we say that forgiving people does not make them right; but it sets us free. Another area is the area of forgiving yourself, most of us we have heard many things concerning forgiving others, we know the merits of forgiveness and demerits of unforgiveness. In a course of life, there are times which we do things and later we regret why we did them, and most of us we find ourselves caught up with the guilty of the past for a long period of time.

Many of the diseases which most of us have now, there are there because of unforgiveness. In the mean time there are some conditions which can develop inside of our bodies simply because we refused to forgive ourselves. In this life no one is perfect, believe me or not we all make mistakes in life but mistakes are there to teach us wisdom and how we suppose to do things; but God did not intend our mistakes to be a punishment to us.

There are some people who found themselves having babies in a young age, they did not plan it but it happened. This can cause a lifetime suffering if those people would not learn to ask God for forgiveness, forgive their coparents and forgive themselves too. We can not go in the past and change how things happened but we can change what we want to see inside of us in the future.

This morning, God wants you to stop dwelling in the past. You need to forget what happened in the past. Whatsoever mistakes you did in the past, it was due to ignorance but now is time to let God fulfill His plan for your life by trusting Him for better future. Peter denied Jesus three times but when He knew his sin, He cried to God for forgiveness and God forgave him and He learnt to forgive himself and he kept walking with the Lord till his death. (Matthew 26:69-75)

If you will decide to forgive all who longed you, then forgive yourself for all those mistakes and sins you did in the past. You will allow the healing power of God to  start work in you, God will set you free from all the fear of failures and repeating the same mistakes in the future. God has better things in store for you, just continue being faithful to Him and He will show Himself faithful to you.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I thank You for your Word. Lord am asking that You may give me the grace to forgive myself, to stop punishing myself for what I did in the past. Help me to know that I can not do nothing good which can make you love me more or do a very horrible sin which can make you to love me less, but your love is the same and unconditional to me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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