Friday, September 28, 2012

Morning with Ebenezer


“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

John 14:1-2 NKJV

One of the main difference between Christianity and other religions in this world is this; us who are called by the name of God we have assurance where we will be after this life. Other religion they promise good things during your lifetime here on earth but they will not give you assurance where you will be after you have died. Jesus before He went on the cross and rose up to go back to heaven He assured His disciples and followers where they will be after they finish their work here on this earth.

The word mansion came from a Latin word mansiō which means ( the act of remaining or staying). So mansion is the large, impressive house and U. S real estate brokers define a mansion as a dwelling of over 8,000 square feet (740 m2). So when Jesus said in my Father's house there are many mansions He meant something like what I tried to explain above. Whoa! what a joy we will have to live in those mansion which Jesus went to prepare for His bride who is the church for almost 2000 years now.

This morning I want to encourage you, that if you are passing through hardships and trials in this earth just be of God cheer. God has prepared a dwelling place (Home) in His house up on high. There is a hand of God still with you and that's why you are reading this message. God has intended to bless you supernatural in this life and has prepared a place for you after this life.

Keep on trusting on Jesus, keep on holding your faith. When sinners come to you and tell you that there is a short cut of getting wealth, fame or good life according to their definition but you should do somethings which   are against the Word of God. You need just to say no and tell them in their faces that, "You devils leave me alone with my Jesus, and in the Mighty Name of Jesus I root out and pull down, I destroy and I overthrow, every plan of your father Satan over my life. I build faith and plant prosperity in my life". By doing that you will leave a victorious life in all the days of your life.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Heavenly Father, I'm coming before You by the blood of Jesus. Lord I'm asking that you may give me strength and courage to contend for my faith knowing after my victory in this life, I will get a dwelling place in your house. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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