Saturday, November 21, 2015

Morning with Ebenezer


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

We have talked about forgiving others, and how the Bible wants us to forgive others before we go to God in prayers. There is another part that most of us forget and it as important as the part of forgiving others.

We need to learn to forgive ourselves. In my personal life I have made mistakes and made some choices that I wish to go back and change them. I have done some things that end up in pain and regret. When I went before God asking for His forgiveness still there was a part in me hurting even after receiving the forgiveness from God!

Later I have learnt that as much as I needed forgiveness from God and those who I hurt along the way. I also needed to forgive myself and leave the past behind. I learnt that I needed to learn from my foolish decisions and choices; tap the wisdom from it and move on with my life. I learnt that there is nothing good you can get if you will continue blaming yourself for things that you did in the past. If you will continue blaming yourself, you will end up being confused; and unable to focus for what is ahead of you.

This morning, I want to encourage you to forgive yourself. I know you made many stupid decisions in the past. You involved yourself with the people who you were not supposed to be involved with. You opened your heart to people who end up hurting you and take you for granted. You trusted people who kept on betraying you over and over again. You unwisely spent your money and end up broke.

No matter what you did to yourself and others. In order to get the peace you need to focus on your future goals you need to forgive yourself. You need to let go the past and start afresh; learn from your mistakes and know that our God is the God of second chances. If He has given you another chance in life, then use it wisely that one day you may be proud of yourself! We shall continue with this Series of Forgiveness tomorrow, God bless you!

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I forgive myself from every kind of thing I did unwisely. Help me to use the chance I have right now in life for your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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