Saturday, October 24, 2015

Morning with Ebenezer


Sometime later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”

Genesis 22:1-2 NIV

What do you do when the things that you have worked for your entire life fall apart? What do you do when the husband that you believed God for runs away? The child that you trained in the way of the Lord and make sure you prayed for him or her everyday goes astray?

What do you do when the business you built from the scratch; you used all of your resources that it may stand end up in huge loss and you are unable to recover it?  What do you do when people start doubting your calling in Christ Jesus; and say every harsh word against your ministry? What do you do when you lose the job that helped you to feed your family; and no any other company seems interested to hire you, because of the economy is bad or because you were fired?

People ask themselves why bad things happen to good people. It is a difficult question to answer; sometimes you can't have answers why you faced what you faced in your life. I don't know why some unfortunate things happened to me in the past. But I know through it all, I have learnt to trust in Jesus, I have learnt to trust in God. God was there in everything; and He is still here giving me strength from day to day that I may walk in His will and purpose over my life.

This morning, I want you to know that God knows the way that you take; when He has tested you, you shall come forth as gold. He has allowed that test to come to you, because He wants to see your reaction in all seasons of your life. He tested Abraham to see if Abraham loved Him more than his son only son Isaac. When Abraham was willing to obey God and offer Isaac to God, that act of obedience touched the heart of God.

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:19, Abraham reasoned that if Isaac died, God was able to bring him back to life again. And in a sense, Abraham did receive his son back from the dead. In figuratively speaking, he did receive him back from dead. He has faith on God, that's why he obeyed Him. I don't know what you are going through right now, but whatever the enemy buried, God will turn it to be a seed! It will rise back to life and becomes a big tree; so do not be afraid. What you need is to have faith in God in the midst of your trials, and God will never let you down. We are going to continue with this Faith Series tomorrow by continue exploring the life of the Father of Faith, Abraham.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, I will put my faith in you in the midst of my trials. I know that all things will work together for my own good and all things will be alright. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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