Monday, June 22, 2015

Morning with Ebenezer


The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23 NKJV

Sometimes we ask God so hard for some things in life; but at the end of the day we don't get them. We may complain and think like God is not fair on us; but in the reality He withholds some of the things for our own good.

When He refuses to give us some of the things that we mostly desire; He always has better things for us. There are some people who forced to be married by certain people; but ended up having troubles in their marriages. There are some people who didn't get what they want; but they ended up getting more what they even thought or imagine.

God has His own way of leading us in the right direction. He has His own way of allowing some people to come in our lives and other to leave our lives. If some people have left you then don't force them to stay. It may be their time has expired and they have served the purpose that God gave them for your life. There is no more grace to keep you together so if you force them to stay; you may end up breaking even the sweet relationship that you have built.

This morning, I want to encourage you to let God order your steps. Don't force yourself to do things that God don't want you to do. If He wants you to have something that thing will come in its time. If He wants you to get a certain promotion then in His time He will give you.

Don’t use illegal ways that you may get a certain life style, you may end up in trouble with authority if you will force that life come before its time. If God wants you to be rich then He will bring those riches when the time is right. In the mean time what you are needed to do is to work hard, follow His leading on how you are supposed to invest yourself and prepare yourself for the future.

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Father, forgive me for where I have tried to do things in my own way. Help me to start doing your will and follow your lead through the power of your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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