Friday, January 8, 2016

Morning with Ebenezer


It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 

1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

There is a sinful nature in us that seeks to its own things. This is the nature that causes us to be selfish and want our things to stand first before anyone else. This is the nature that causes people to want all the power and glory. It is the nature that causes one person to seek dominating others and control their lives.

There are some rulers that are known as dictators in this world. These rulers tend to dictate every decision in the lives of people. They accumulate the wealth of their countries and leave everyone else poor. This also goes down to us normal people. Each one us tend to put our interests first and forget everyone else.

The Bible says love is not self-seeking; it does not seek his own interests or stands on selfish desires. Love tend to share whatever it has with everyone else without looking on their social status, ethnic background or color of their skin.

This morning, I want to ask the Lord to help you love more. You are commanded to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your strength, and with all of your mind, 'and' 'your neighbor as yourself. (Luke 10:27)

You can show that you love the Lord by not being selfish and seeking your own things. Manifest the love of God in your life by sharing whatever you have with the people who don't have. God will bless you and show Himself faithful to you every day. We shall continue with this Series of Love according to 1 Corinthians 13 tomorrow if God wishes, God bless you! 

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, help me share what I have with all people especially those who are in the household of faith. In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Morning with Ebenezer


It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 

1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

We have people who claim that they walk in the love of God but behave so rude. There are people in the body of Christ who doesn't control their tongues. They can speak anything or act anyhow they feel like and don't bother who will be hurt in the process.

These people are the ones who don't respect the authority that is set by God. They don't respect their leaders, parents or even their spouses. Whenever they are approached about their attitude they deny and use the Bible as an excuse to justify their actions.

Love doesn't not dishonor others, it respect all people. It respects both rich and poor, black and white, young and old. It gives the same treatment to all people and value the each human being the same. It does not show partiality but treat all people the same.

This morning, I want to encourage you to respect all people. Learn to respect both who are in the position to help you and those who are not in the position to help you. Respect those who have and those who don't have. Respect those who are in the position to help you and those who are not in position to help you.

All human beings were created according to image and likeness of God. The richest man in the world was created in the image and likeness of God; so do who is considered as the poorest man in the world. They are all equal before eyes of God and He sent His Son to die for all of them. We shall continue with this Series of Love according to 1 Corinthians 13 tomorrow if God wishes, God bless you! 

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to respect all people in my life and treat them as I want to be treated. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Morning with Ebenezer


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV

Pride is the quality of having an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance. Pride has no room in love. When we walk in love we get the power to set aside every kind of pride that is caused by sinful nature inside of us.

The Bible says, "Pride precedes destruction; an arrogant spirit appears before a fall, Proverbs 16:18. If it happens you have a certain life that many people in your circle of influence don’t. There is a chance you will end up thinking that you are better than them all. People who have good education tend to think that they are smarter than everyone.

People who have money, access of good material things and better jobs tend to think that they are more intelligent that people who lack. In each one of us their is something that may make us to have a high opinion of ourselves. Some us we are proud of our facial appearances. Some we are proud of our accomplishments in life in such a way we tend to despise everyone.

This morning, I want to encourage you to ask the Lord help you live a humble life. God will elevate you and give you the access to the good things of the land if you will avoid pride in your life. If you walk in pride then destruction will come in your way. If you continue living in pride and allow arrogance in your life; you will end up falling and no one will be able to help you.

Let's love each other, and avoid any form of pride in our lives. Let's us be the good example to those who don't believe out there. We shall continue with this Series of Love according to 1 Corinthians 13 tomorrow if God wishes, God bless You! 

****Morning Prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to live a humble life in all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.