Friday, July 22, 2011

Morning with Ebenezer

The Word of God this morning says:-

"Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Matthew 25:1(NKJV)

The story behind those scriptures, is about ten virgins in which five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
"Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,
"But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.(v.3-4)
Later the bridegroom delayed and after he came those who had enough oil entered with him in the weeding while others foolish virgins were left outside.

"Watch therefore, while keeping your lamp(spirit) with enough oil(Holy Spirit) waiting for His coming.
Now, many of us ignore seeking God and walking in His holiness; thinking that is the duty of some groups in the society especially old people.
Not true, it is your duty too; Jesus is expecting much from you, be on your watch till His coming.

****Morning prayer****

Pray this prayer with me by faith and God is going to answer your prayer....

JEHOVAH God, am coming before you by the blood of Jesus.Asking that you may teach my spirit to seek You while You may be found, call upon You while You are near, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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